The Sophia Show Unknown Episode Part 4

It's been 3 weeks since I've saw John. He went to school, came home, and then he gone crazy over a creepy episode of The Sophia Show. When I look back at him - he's a creep. We were cleaning up for his funeral, and I was put to the job of cleaning the attic.
There was stashes of porn magazines, VHS tapes, and other stuff we spent time "playing" with. I saw a picture of a naked lady, and went to pick it up; only to find a VHS tape had been hidden under it. It was cruelly written on sharpie, that said "Sophia Show". "I guess it's one of John's obsessed shows," I joked, as I picked up the tape and inserted into John's VCR. 
The episode started with the family at a carnival, all looked happy as they entered what the show dubbed "Leprechaun Land." For some reason, John obsessed about this one episode he recorded, and kept blogging about this and some other nonexistent episodes. His dad suspected he has some form of autism, as he whined on and on that he needed to "study the episodes". I was about to dismiss it as just a normal episode, until the dad tripped on a pile of nails and Alexa tries to help him; this is where things seemed off.
She accidentally rips open the dad's stomach, and in shock, ran away. I knew something was off, Alexa always had courage for situations - she wouldn't run away like that. The dad fell down and weeped, and that Leprechaun (John mentioned) appeared. He kicked the dad in the... Yeah, you know what. Suddenly, the dad puked all over and the Leprechaun dodged the vomit.
Then, he died (The dad just died, instantly). The rest of the episode was disturbing; the mom was crushed to death, the grandpa was struck in the chest with a stack, and the girls were sexually assaulted by that...horrid leprechaun. The episode ends with the leprechaun dragging their bodies to a hidden cellar, then it cut to static.